MongoDB: The Defacto Document DB for the Web?
While MinIO is the default installation for S3, MongoDB may be just as popular for document databases.
The company MongoDB is ever present at conferences and meetups. They are the company behind the popular MongoDB opensource project. First, what is MongoDB? It’s an opensource NoSQL database. It leverages a key-value store design and Binary JavaScript Object Notation (BSON) format for storing data. The native query language is MongoDB Query Language vs SQL. To combat cloud providers leveraging the code without contributing back to the project, MongoDB leverages a consumer-friendly Server Side Public License.
How is it Monetized?
MongoDB offers commercial licenses, and a managed DB service called Atlas on each of the three largest cloud providers.
Each of the major cloud providers offers a MongoDB-compatible database.
AWS DocumentDB (we covered it previously)
Azure Cosmo DB
Google Firestore