AWS Everyday - Cloudwatch
One of the most important services on the platform enables application monitoring
If you’ve ever used your consumer-grade internet during peak hours, you understand a service’s congestion on user experience. Inside the enterprise data center, we have low-level monitoring tools which provide hardware-level performance metrics. Those metrics can be used to monitor and plan user experience indirectly. What happens when you abstract away that underlying hardware? What’s the expected transaction per second of a code running in a Lambda instance at 3:00 PM in the U.S. East vs. the same running in U.S. West? That’s an oversimplified example. What about some even more abstracted such as queries against RDS in different regions?
Cloudwatch is the power monitoring platform AWS provides to monitor application performance. Beyond monitoring, Cloudwatch enables event-based tasks. What if you have a hybrid infrastructure? Cloudwatch attempts to cover the use case for both AWS and Non-AWS workloads.